An Intuitive Color Guide

5 Minute Read


Key Takeaways

  • In aura readings, channeling, meditation, and dreams, colors can be interpreted and add meaning

  • There are no”bad” colors. They all have positive and negative traits, just like horoscopes.

  • Somatic healing has the ability to stimulate profound releases and relief from symptoms caused by trauma



Colors are a popular topic and question from my clients. And not just in aura readings, but often it comes up in channelings as well. First off, there are no “bad” colors. Colors all have positive and negative traits just like horoscopes signs have positive and negative traits to them. The shade or tone of the color will indicate if the color is leaning more towards the positive or negative aspects. 

Second, your aura and the colors in your aura will change over time. You are a constantly growing, evolving, and changing person, and so too will your aura change over time. 

What follows are the channeled interpretations of colors that I received when learning to read aura photos. So, you may find other explanations in other places, but these are specific to what colors mean to your energetic body and field. And even if you haven’t had the opportunity to have your aura taken, these color interpretations will apply to colors that show up in your dreams, or in your meditations as well. 


Pay attention to colors in dreams!


RED passionate, hard-working, driven, and goal-oriented; grounding color; could be burning the candle at both ends

ORANGE very creative individual, solution-oriented and good and problem-solving; may need more work-life balance

GOLD golden opportunity surrounds you; new experience or job; might indicate needing to take a calculated risk, or that your opportunity lies outside your current comfort zone; leap and the net will appear

LEMON transformation; encouraging you to go with the flow more; emotional balance important; trust your gut!

LIME Do more of what you love to do because you want to do it, and fewer things out of fear and obligation; don't say yes, when you mean no

GREEN abundance and growth of resources; also indicates matters of the heart and need more compassion and self-care because green represents the heart chakra

BLUE career and work-oriented; logical thinker; grounded; connection to higher self

LIGHT BLUE indicates matter of the throat chakra; are you speaking your truth? Are you feeling heard? If not, you may need to communicate more of your needs and wants

MAGENTA powerful healing energy; could be mental, emotional, physical or spiritual healing; old soul

PINK love, happiness, romance, and partnerships; focus in on relationships, partners, or family; also self-love is important

PURPLE strong intuition and connection to spirit

WHITE spirit guides, angels, and loved ones are supporting you and working closing with you right now


About the Author

Cindy Luffred is a Woo School educator. Learn more about her here.



This article first appeared on Cindy Luffred’s website on May 20, 2020.


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