Interview with Visiting Educator Emma Griffin

7 Minute Read


We spoke with visiting educator Emma Griffin about how magic saved her life, what it means to be a witch, how she helps others tune into their own power, and what daily rituals keep her grounded. 


On your website, you say that you want to help women connect back to themselves and believe in magic because magic has saved your life. Are you willing to share a bit more about that?

Yes. I started witchcraft 27 years ago, and that's because I went to a spiritual fair, and I was told in this spiritual fair in London that I couldn't have children. So I stole all my mum's witchcraft books, and that was the start of becoming a witch. So I initiated myself. I didn't tell my mum. It was all very secret. Then I had my daughter and then three years later, I had my son. I kept returning back to magic. Magic kept coming back into my life because I think like everybody, you fall into this society trap where you have to go and get this perfect career, this job, and go up through the different stages. I was in that kind of mode as I was becoming a mum. 

And then in my thirties to forties, I got three different types of cancers. So I went back to magic again to actually manifest and actually work on my health. So it did literally save my life because I wasn't meant to reach 40. I'm 48.

That is incredible and thank you for sharing. You are such an inspiration to many people. On your website you say you are a witch, an intuitive channeler and an intuition teacher.  For those who have never met someone who is a witch, can you explain what it means? And you mentioned your mother, was she a practicing witch?

Yes. So my mum was a witch. I've been brought up in a household of witches and my father was a psychic medium. So my dad would stand up and connect with the dead in spiritual churches so there would be an audience and my dad would just connect, give messages. My dad taught me how to meditate, so he was more spiritual. He traveled the world with his job, so he's taught me about different cultures, different ways of meditation, astral travel and the different dimensions that we have around us. So I've been talking to the dead since I was four. 

My parents never told me that it was wrong or a bit weird. My mum told me to keep the witchcraft word away from the public and not to say that word out loud. I actually wear her pentagram around my neck now openly but she used to hide it under a crystal, so she wouldn't show people the pentagram. She always told me to keep it really quiet. 

To me, a witch is someone that knows herself, works with nature, works with the dimensions around them and within them, and uses the power within themselves and nature to manifest or to banish and to heal and to bring things forward and let things go. They just stand in their power and they know their worth and they don't do harm. It's nothing bad at all. When I say I'm a channeler and an intuitive, it is because I work with different dimensions. So I do connect to the dead, but I also connect to higher dimensions. I work with people, spirit guides, and their spiritual teams of ancestors. So I'm channeling all the time.

Many intuitives say that everyone can learn to connect with spirit or channel. Do you believe that is true?

Yes, because I actually teach people to do it, and have been for many years. I've worked with real Muggle people who have normal jobs, who were probably mocking and saying, oh, I can't do it. And then within an hour, they are connecting and meeting other people's relatives in spirit for them. And it is just beautiful. Anyone can do this. Society and school have made us switch that gift off. So it's just remembering we can do it.


Muggle= a person without any magical abilities


As an intuition teacher, especially helping women reconnect with their own power, can you describe either how you came to be an intuition teacher or offer your popular Guidance Medicine Reading?

Okay yes. That is an amazing question. It wasn't a planned offering and it is my most popular offering that I do around the world through the power of Zoom. I lost my dad in 2019, and then my mom became ill three months after my dad's death. And she passed in 2020, which is very quick. 

So this is going to sound really woo. But after my mum told me she had cancer, and I had just lost my dad,  I was absolutely just desperate. I ran into this cornfield, sat in this cornfield and just shouted out to the universe, “What am I meant to do? Am I meant to work?”  Because I needed to care for my mum and all these different things.  I had this huge message of “start the Guidance Medicine Reading” and I didn't know what that was or how I would do it. 

So I thought, okay, I'm just going to trust. Because I always trust the universe, which comes from my own cancer journey that  I had. So, I thought okay,  I've got to do this. I was working as a fashion photographer at the time and had a studio. I was also doing some healing to help my mum and was doing a bit of both to pay for the rent at the studio. 

After the experience in the cornfield,  I put it out on social media that I would do this one-to-one session with people. And basically through Zoom, people log on and they ask me questions and I channel constantly through the session offering them advice and insights.

What a powerful story. Are there common themes that come through or is every session unique?

Every session is individual. I love working with people one-on-one.  I work with what I call the council who actually work in the Souls’ library. Sometimes I hear from them when my clients have missed opportunities or what direction they should go in, whether they should start something or leave something or try something. But I'm also picking up on their relatives and I'm picking up on their spirit and sometimes past lives. It's a very busy conversation and very collaborative. I don't use any cards or anything like that, but channeling is my main thing and I can't switch it off. Even if I watch a movie and an actor asks a question, I start channeling. So it's just something that I do. So, I’ve tried to explain and label it for people to understand. But, it is a totally individual and often life-altering experience for people I work with.

You also host and teach people how to host Sacred Sister Circle events. Can you tell us about what the intentions of those events are and what are the outcomes for women who participate?

I think for me, after lockdowns, I was craving community. And coming from working in fashion, when I had a big team of people all the time that I was talking to, working with, to just me being in my room with a computer, I needed this community connection. I also had a meditation and I was told that other women need community, they need connection as well. So I thought, I'm just gonna jump into a women's circle, open that and see if people do need it. 

First, I just started offering these circles and opened them up in Cornwall. Now they're really popular. Sometimes I have 70 people, 50 people, 30 people or 8, it really depends. Most of these women come on their own. I've had women drive from Scotland and fly in from Switzerland 

What women are drawn to is the safe space of no judgment. And I think, sadly, with social media and how the world is, and I think how much fear there is in the world, there's a lot of judgment from other women to women, and it's not pleasant. I think these circles actually provide this safe place for women because they know I'm holding the space and they know they're not going to be judged. They can talk freely, and we're doing rituals together that are very simple and nurturing. We will chat and make lifelong friends. It's just beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. So these women leave really empowered. They've made friends and of course they want to start circles. So this is why I started Sister Circle training.

Oh, that’s lovely. People are seeking connection in a judgment free environment.

Yeah. And I think it goes back to our ancestors. You know, when the men used to go off and do the hunting, the women were left to bring up their children and help each other. That's our saying, isn't there, that it takes a village to bring up a child? I think we need this in our soul. We need other women to help us and support us and nurture us.

For those who are drawn to this idea and want to start a Sister Circle, what is your training like?

In the training course that I've created, I share templates and I give soundtracks. I give you different types of formats that you can just basically print off and read. I've created a traditional woman's circle where it's more of a sharing conversations instead of doing the practical rituals that we do. I teach them to fuse intentions into them. There's a little bit of magic. My training also includes a baby blessing circle, so you can hold a circle for your friend who's having a baby. That's beautiful. I've also done a bridal one as well. So if one of your friends is going to get married and you didn't want to have the usual type of gathering, you could do this instead.

At the Woo School, we always acknowledge individual journeys and everyone finding their own feel good formula. But it helps people find what works for them when they come together with others and share. Are you willing to share some of your personal rituals or habits that help you feel good on a daily basis?

Music is massive to me, so I've treated myself to a little old record player and I've been buying vinyl like Frank Sinatra and things like that. Some Cat Stevens and some Fleetwood Mac too. I really love coming downstairs in the morning, lighting incense in the lounge, putting on some vinyl, and just sort of centering myself, catching my breath.  

I do also love coffee, so I cherish that first cup of coffee. I'm obsessed as well with my familiar, who's my chihuahua Walter. I love a connection with him first thing. My non-negotiable hands down is my meditation. I have to meditate every day. Sometimes it's five minutes, sometimes it's half an hour. It really depends on how much time I have, and then a little bit of journaling, and then I'll pull some oracle cards

Sometimes I dance as well. Sometimes if the weather is nice, I have to be barefoot on the grass with Walter. And these routines are normally about 15-20 minutes, it's not that much time.

People who jump up and do the go, it's not like you don't have to reserve that much time for these rituals.

You mentioned your familiar, Walter.  Can you describe what a familiar is?

A witch's little helper. A familiar has a deep connection with the practitioner, the witch herself. So you would have almost telepathic communication with your familiar. You would do magic and rituals with your familiar, which could be a cat or a dog or a rabbit. It's whatever's special to you, and it's different. So I have four dogs. We used to have six, and Walter is completely different. He knows what I'm thinking.  Walter can see dead people. And whenever I do magic, Walter has to be right up at the altar with the cauldron. He has to be with me all the time. We've just got this bond, so he's very special.

It has been such a pleasure talking to you, Emma! Thank you so much for sharing with us. If people want to work with you or learn more, where can they find you?

My Guidance Medicine Reading is the most popular but it is quite expensive, so every other month, I do a free live zoom guidance. It’s unlimited how many people can join and is completely free. And then they just ask me a question on my channel and then I move on. 

I have a number of online courses including the Sister Circle Training we spoke about is starting June 1 for four weeks.

People can also join my newsletter and follow me on Instagram or Tiktok for other news and offerings. 


About the Author

Emma Griffin was interviewed by the Woo School editorial team.


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