
Numerology is an ancient metaphysical science that interprets the meaning behind numbers and their influence on human life. By analyzing numbers, such as the date of birth and the numbers derived from a person's name, numerology aims to provide insight into a person's character, purpose, and life path by identifying strengths, experiences, and challenges you are meant to work through in order to become the best version of yourself.

Similar to sound healing, which uses vibrations to influence well-being, numerology believes in the vibrational power of numbers and their potential to impact our lives profoundly. Each number vibrates to a unique frequency range which corresponds to resonate attributes and personality characteristics. Numerology helps name, or more specifically, puts a number to each of the energies within these specific frequencies. Like a snowflake, one’s personal energetic frequency is unique to them and can be seen as an energetic code; a code that some believe was divinely planned and orchestrated prior to birth.

Numerology is built on the understanding that the universe is a system and, once broken down, we are left with the basics, which are numbers and the building blocks of sacred geometry. These numbers can then be used to help us better understand the world and ourselves as individuals. Like sound healing's use of specific frequencies to bring balance, numerology decodes specific numbers to guide and influence human life.

Different Types of Numerology

  • Pythagorean Numerology: Also known as “Western Numerology”, this is the most popular system, which assigns numerical values to the letters of the alphabet to reveal a person's character and life challenges.

  • Chaldean Numerology: An older form that assigns values to letters based on their unique vibrational qualities.

  • Kabbalistic Numerology: Draws insights from the Hebrew alphabet and has a strong spiritual focus, linking letters to numbers in the context of life's broader cosmic forces.

  • Chinese Numerology: Focuses on the significance of lucky and unlucky numbers, often based on their pronunciation and how it relates to other words.

  • Vedic Numerology: Also known as “Tamil” and “Indian Numerology” Corresponds numeric energies to planetary energies and the influences they have on one’s life by merging astrological concepts with Numerology.

Numerology's roots can be traced back to ancient civilizations, much like sound healing. It was practiced in ancient Egypt, Babylon, India, and China. The Greek mathematician Pythagoras is often credited with establishing the foundations of modern numerology, believing that numbers have divine meanings beyond their mathematical functions. Over centuries, numerology has woven itself into the fabric of various cultures, each interpreting numbers in its unique way.

Numerology provides a myriad of personal insights and potential benefits, such as:

  • Understanding Personal Traits and Behaviors: Numerology can reveal strengths, weaknesses, emotional reactions, and talents. It can be seen as a guide to help someone identify and work through challenges while helping you see the strengths you are meant to utilize to learn the lessons on your path of becoming.

  • Insight into Life Path and Destiny: It offers perspectives on one's destiny and life purpose, guiding career and life decisions.

  • Relationship Compatibility: Numerology can analyze the numerological compatibility between individuals, aiding in personal and professional relationships. It can even help parents understand their children’s desire, natural talents and abilities in order to guide them into who they are meant to be.

  • Forecasting and Planning: It helps predict future trends in one's life, assisting in planning and decision-making. Numerology can reveal the roadmap of energetic steppingstones throughout your life needed to carry you on your specific path.

While numerology is considered more metaphysical than scientific, proponents argue that numbers, much like the frequencies used in sound healing, have universal significance. Carl Jung's work on synchronicity explores the idea of meaningful coincidences, which might resonate with numerology's focus on the significance of numbers. Jung suggested that numbers have archetypal significance, echoing the notion that they can carry inherent meaning beyond their mere quantitative aspect​. Research in psychology and neuroscience has explored how humans perceive and assign meaning to numbers, which could relate to the psychological impact numerology has on individuals. Though not empirically proven, many individuals attest to the accuracy and helpfulness of numerological readings, suggesting a psychological or archetypal resonance that numbers may have with human consciousness.

Jung is not the first notable name to recognize the power of numbers. Other great minds throughout the centuries such as Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Galileo, and of course Pythagoras all saw the significant connection of numbers to the intricacies of the universe.

In fact, repeated numeric patterns are the building blocks of our universe and can be observed all around us through the Fibonacci sequence within the tiniest molecule of DNA, the number of petals on a flower, the spiral shape of a pinecone or a seashell, the proportions of the human body, and all the way to the pattern that spiral galaxies make!

A numerology session typically involves providing your full name and birth date. The numerologist then calculates various numbers depending on the type of Numerology practiced, such as the life path number, destiny number (or Expression), and soul urge number, to create a profile that offers insights into various aspects of your life. These sessions can provide enlightening and often affirming information about one's personal journey, characteristics, and future possibilities.

Embarking on a numerological journey can begin with a professional reading or through self-study using books and online resources. Understanding your core numbers—like your life path and destiny numbers—can be an empowering experience, offering insights into your true nature and potential paths in life. Numerology offers various approaches and systems to explore, each providing unique perspectives on the interconnectedness of numbers and life.


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