Stress and the Rising Sign

10 Minute Read


Key Takeaways

  • A natal chart can help understand core strengths and weaknesses that will help navigate health issues over a lifetime

  • The Ascendant rules the physical form, appearance, and mannerisms. It oversees the constitution, energy levels, or lack thereof. It is also how we react when under stress

  • Understanding your Ascendant can help you understand what forms of exercise and what herbs and nutritional choices can support good health and longevity


In Medical Astrology, there are two main charts to assess when consulting with a client. We can create a decumbiture (horary) chart for the moment the person falls ill or asks for help. This chart gives us a better sense of the present medical situation and can offer clues that help with diagnosis and possible courses of treatment. We also look to the natal chart as a blueprint of a person’s core strengths and weaknesses and the lessons that may help them navigate their health issues over their lifetime. As a practicing Australian Naturopath and medical astrologer that loves to get to the “root cause” of a problem, the natal chart assessment is my favorite way to investigate how to support and nurture someone’s well-being.

Natal Chart Health Assessment

There are many things to assess in a natal chart health reading, but my favorite place to start is the Ascendant rather than the Sun or Moon. This entry portal is a significant trigger point activated in many health problems as well as the key to supporting the physical body. The Ascendant and the 1st House are the rulers of one’s physical form. It is the most likely place to have a weakness in the body and takes the most pressure when one is under stress.

The Ascendant and 1st House have rulership over the head, the core vital energy, and the adrenal glands. The adrenals are the small glands that sit just on top of the kidneys and produce stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. When our body perceives danger, our adrenals come to our rescue and ready our bodies for fight or flight, depending on the situation.

I often explain to my clients that the Ascendant is not only the mask we wear or the filter through which we sense and feel the world but also the shield we use to protect ourselves. If we were Viking warriors, our Ascendant would be our battle shield as it is the point of the chart that absorbs the most stress, be it physical or mental. Thus, it is a point of vulnerability and a great starting point for supporting our physical body. By strengthening this stress point, we can enhance our health on a more profound and lasting level.


Strengthening our Ascendant can have a profound impact on overall health!


Strengthening our Ascendant is not just about a quick fix of foods or herbs but learning what systems and organs are under pressure from the Ascendant. One can also assess the strength and needs of other placements in the chart (for example, the Sun, Moon, or ruler of the Ascendant) to deepen the overall understanding of strengths and weaknesses. For brevity and clarity, however, this article will be limited to a discussion of the Ascendant and 1st House planets.

There are many ways to address the Ascendant health-wise, be it through foods, herbal medicines, activities, etc. One does not need to throw everything at the Ascendant, but a slow progression to better diet and lifestyle habits that support rather than deplete this area of the chart goes a long way to health and longevity. Let’s take a closer look at what the Ascendant and 1st House planets encounter and what they oversee.


The Ascendant is the most sensitive cusp of the chart related to the physical body. It rules the physical form, appearance, and mannerisms. It oversees the constitution, energy levels, or lack thereof. It is also how we react when under stress. Fire and Air sign Ascendants are more robust in their general constitutions as they have a Yang quality and are energy-producing. Water and Earth signs are more liable to ailments related to their 1st House and can have weaker constitutions causing them to experience more frequent health issues.

However, we should not mistake equating a strong constitution with good health and a weak constitution with poor health; some of the healthiest people have weaker constitutions, and having a strong constitution does not guarantee good health. People with a lot of vitality and are born with a strong constitution do not tend to learn how to care for themselves. Those with average constitutions are often healthier as they have spent their lives working to find health and balance in their physical body. They are forced into a constant awareness of their health and, in the long run, often make more sensible diet and lifestyle choices over the course of their lifetime.

If one has one of the benefic planets, Jupiter and Venus, in the 1st House, this can help to strengthen the constitution, though it can also lead to overindulgence. The malefic planets Mars and Saturn, in the 1st House, can mean that health needs to be attended to on a regular basis, or inflammation and/or chronic issues may manifest. Aspects from other natal planets can also influence one’s general health and vitality. Positive aspects such as a sextile or a trine from Venus or Jupiter can strengthen the constitution and quicken recovery when ill. Positive aspects from the luminaries will give great tone and strengthen the body’s general functions. From Mars, one can receive more heat and a faster metabolism. From Saturn, one can have a strong body frame and bones.

Challenging aspects from planets to the Ascendant or 1st House will create weaknesses and influence the overall constitution less favorably. With complicated aspects from Venus or Jupiter, one can have a lack of discretion regarding food, drink, or lifestyle. As we all know, too much of a good thing can be an issue. Hard aspects from the Sun or Moon will create a lack of tone and irregularities of physiology, and are more susceptible to colds and flu. Mars creates fevers, infections, accidents, and inflammation. Saturn can bring a melancholic nature to a person as well as cold, lingering, and chronic ailments of under-functioning.

Ways to Support Your Ascendant’s Needs

So, after all that good news, how can we be more aware of our Ascendant's needs, and what can we do to support it? Below is a list of foods, a few herbs, and things we can do to support our physical well-being. This is not all we can do, but it is a great starting point. In a natal health reading, you would look to many other areas of the chart, such as the 6th House, the 1st House ruler, etc., but for this article, we are keeping it simple.

Exercise and Rest for Each Element on the Ascendant

Supporting the Ascendant via physical movement is vital for everyone, whether we like it or not. As the ruler of our physical body, we need to find activities to nourish and support our physiology. When finally presented with activities that suit their Ascendant, I have found that most people can feel the difference in their health, and it motivates them to create a regular exercise routine. My favorite way to motivate someone is to use the element of their Ascendant as a starting point.

Fire signs do well in competitive, fast, and adventurous sports and activities. Hiking, biking, and horse riding can all fit into this category as well as running and martial arts. Booking themselves in for a fun run or walk with a goal can help keep up their motivation.

Earth signs do well with such activities as gardening, lifting weights, strength-style activities, including Pilates, and physical labor around the house. They need slower movements that build their endurance and stamina. Hiking in the mountains or getting dirty in the garden can stabilize their physical and mental health.

Air signs must be reminded that they have a physical body as they can spend most of their time in their head. Dancing, sports that need strategy and mental quickness, can be very satisfying for them. Social sports such as doubles tennis or joining a training group with friends is one of the best ways to keep them motivated and accountable.

Water signs do well with any activity near or in the water. Swimming, kayaking, dancing, yoga, and other activities with fluid movements will make them feel refreshed and aligned. Walking or hiking near the ocean or a river/lake is one of the best forms of emotional and physical support they can give to themselves. If all else fails, a bubble bath is an excellent remedy.

The Ascendant and those planets in the 1st House are where we need to find our solitude and alone time to rejuvenate. Self-care for the Ascendant is a fabulous way to counterbalance the pressure it undergoes with the stress of daily living. Music, meditation, breathing exercises, physical movement, and reading can all be great activities to do solo when you need a break from the world. Think of it as plugging yourself in for a recharge of your batteries. Even getting enough sleep will help to stabilize your health and destress your system. Many health issues in the modern world are because of stress on both the physical and mental body. Getting adequate sleep, be it 8 hours at night or including naps during the day, will go a long way to lowering one’s cortisol levels.

Herbal Medicines to Strengthen the Ascendant

My second favorite way to support the body in times of stress is by giving herbal medicines known as adaptogens. These are herbs that help the body adapt at times of increased stress. They often have secondary actions supporting the immune system, which becomes compromised when under long-term pressure. Stress creates a form of inflammation in the body, and natural medicine sees inflammation as the trigger for many chronic health issues. If we can decrease the overall levels of inflammation, the body will have a better chance of recalibrating itself to a better level of homeostasis/balance.

Please seek medical advice from your healthcare practitioner before making changes. Many herbs can negatively interact with medications, which should always be investigated before taking anything new.

Aries Ascendants do well with traditional adaptogenic (adrenal) herbs and nervines to support their frazzled brain and nervous system. Rest, sleep, and solo time are a must to keep them going in the long game.

  • Ginseng (Siberian, American, and Korean)

  • Rhodiola

  • Ashwagandha/Withania

  • Skullcap

Taurus Ascendants need a bit of stimulation to support their fixed or congested system. Herbs can be fabulous to support digestion and metabolism and relax muscle tension.

  • Ashwagandha/Withania

  • Licorice (but not if they have high blood pressure or are medicated for it)

  • Schisandra

  • Astragalus

Gemini Ascendants need to settle their nervous system above all else, but they still need to support their adrenals. Giving their brain a rest with no screen time or extra sleep can be fabulous to re-spark a depleted system.

  • Skullcap or Mellissa

  • Ashwagandha/Withania

  • Astragalus

  • Codonopsis

  • Chamomile

Cancer Ascendants need gentle adaptogen support without overstimulating their delicate systems and some digestive aid. Their nervous system can also become frazzled with too much stress.

  • Chamomile

  • Codonopsis

  • Rhodiola

  • Mellissa/Lemon balm

Leo Ascendants have one of the most robust physical constitutions of the zodiac. They may feel they don’t need much support, but their adrenals and circulatory system need attention and kindness. They may not feel the pressure of stress like other signs, but internally their body still has to cope with the consequences of a busy life.

  • Motherwort

  • Ginsengs

  • Schisandra

  • Astragalus

Virgo Ascendants will experience stress via their nervous system and their digestion. Thankfully, working on one of these systems will also impact the other. Their mental health will significantly impact their physical well-being, and thus they do well with herbs to support their nervous tension.

  • Vervain/Verbena

  • Mellissa/Lemon Balm

  • Angelica archangelica

  • Withania

  • Chamomile

Libra Ascendants need to support their adrenals and urinary/kidney system, which keeps the mineral balance in the body. They will tax their system while supporting others and forget to check in with their needs and health status. Blood sugar levels and the thyroid are also to be kept in balance.

  • Licorice (if no high blood pressure issues)

  • Rosehips

  • Withania

  • Codonopsis

  • Kelp

Scorpio Ascendants are strong but liable to infections. They need to rest when unwell rather than pushing through and ignoring the signals that they need a time out. Mind over matter does not always support the physical. Adrenals can become very depleted, and their bowels and hormone systems can become congested or troubled.

  • Ginsengs

  • Valerian

  • Licorice

  • Schisandra

  • Gallium/Clivers

Sagittarius Ascendants are naturally athletic and excitable. Their adrenals, as well as their liver, can suffer from too much activity and not enough rest. They must remember that sleep and downtime are as helpful to their bodies as adventures and action.

  • Schisandra

  • Oats

  • Ginsengs

  • Dandelion

  • Withania

Capricorn Ascendants need warming and stimulating herbs to kick up their energy levels and overall vitality. Their adrenals can become depleted from overwork and no play. Laughter, as well as rest, are vital for their system to recharge. Digestive nervine herbs are also of great support to their depleted systems.

  • Codonopsis

  • Ginsengs

  • Hypericum/St John wort

  • Chamomile

  • Vervain

Aquarius Ascendants are in desperate need of nervous system support. They can become ungrounded and energetically depleted with too much brain activity and not enough rest, sleep, and grounding. Their adrenals can become frazzled, leading to an inability to relax their nervous system.

  • Lemon balm/Mellissa

  • Skullcap

  • Withania

  • Vervain/Verbena

Pisces Ascendants need gentle support for their adrenals and their immune or lymphatic system. They quickly deplete and need more rest and downtime than other rising signs. Lots of fresh water to drink and gentle adrenal support will go a long way to reviving their system.

  • Astragalus

  • Licorice

  • Withania

  • Skullcap


We must remember that the Ascendant is the key to our physical constitution. There will always be health challenges throughout life, but the best medicine is preventative medicine. If we are in tune with our bodies, we can sense when little things are off-kilter and adjust with ease rather than waiting for the more significant issues to present themselves. While there are no magic bullets when it comes to health, if we are aware of our constitutional needs via our Ascendant and employ some of the suggestions listed above, we can take the first large step to support our well-being.


About the Author

Kira Sutherland is an educator for The Woo School. She is a highly experienced, award-winning naturopath, nutritionist, herbalist, and medical astrologer. Learn more about her here.



This article was published by The Evolving Astrologer, the The Organization for Professional Astrology’s quarterly magazine in March 2023 and also on on August 16, 2023


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